Press Releases

Launch: Truvis Helios S53
A ready-to-use light dome for RTI capturing
Truvis AG · October 31, 2019

Truvis today announced the Helios S53 - a dome shaped illumination device for fast and automated capturing of RTI image data. Produced and developed by Truvis AG in Switzerland, the Helios S53 is equipped with high-quality LEDs, an easy to use and intuitive user interface, a camera mount and a handy suitcase for transportation.

Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is a technique combining photographic and computational methods, that allows the interactive visualization of objects under varying lighting conditions. After initial data aquisition under controlled lighting conditions, the visual impression of real objects and surfaces can be visualized in any virtual lighting situations without further access to the objects. This enables the study of various surface features of remote or hard to access objects for researchers, as well as novel and engaging ways to communicate the materiality of high-quality objects through online channels.

The Helios S53 offers the first ready-made end-to-end solution for capturing RTI data. It complements the Truvis Authentica software framework to form a complete system for working with RTI images.


Thanks to its compact, portable design and easy set-up, the Helios S53 can be used in the field as well as in a laboratory or studio environment.
While working in the filed, data aquisition can be realized fast and in situ with minimal infrastructure. Data processing, detailed examination, editing or preparation for archival can then be achieved remotely without direct access to the objects. This provides a new level of flexibility for working with remote and hard to access objects.
A set of detachable feet allow easy set-up and access to objects while working in a horizontal setting, while swiveling aadapter for standard tripods enable capturing of unmovable objects in any orientation.


While it can be used as a stand-alone aquisition device, the Helios S53 was purpose built for seamless integration with the Truvis Authentica software framework. Together with Truvis Authentica the Helios S53 provides a full workflow solution covering all needs from data aquisition, processing and editing, to sharing and publication of RTI data.


The device is equipped with 48 white LEDs for capturing standard RTI data, as well as 24 LEDs in the UV spectrum for further analyzis of specific surface features.


The Helios S53 can be used with the camera, lens equipment, and capture software of your choice. The included camera mount allows the easy attachment of any standard camera.


The Helios S53 can be ordered from Truvis AG, and will be available from Q1 2020.

About Helios S53

The Helios S53 is a portable and easy-to-use illumination dome that allows automated capturing of RTI image data. It is custom built for use with the Truvis Authentica Creator software.
Produced and developed in Switzerland by Truvis AG, it features high-quality LED’s, an intuitive user interface, a camera mount and a handy suitcase for transportation.
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About Authentica

Authentica is the name of a software package developed and sold by Truvis which includes the Authentica Creator and Authentica Viewer. Authentica Creator is a desktop application (Win/Mac) used to generate digital surface models from a given set of input images and to create virtual scenes which can be interactively relighted. These virtual scenes can be exported for online presentation. Authentica Viewer is a web application which can easily be integrated into any existing website and display the virtual scenes without the need of any additional plugins.
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About Truvis

Truvis AG is a spin-off from the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and was founded in 2017. Truvis brings together know-how from physics, scientific and computational photography, optics, computer graphics and color-science. This know-how is used to develop innovative imaging and visualization software that digitally recreates a realistic visual impression of any material. Truvis also provides services and customized solutions to transfer the authentic appearance of real objects and materials to the digital domain. Truvis strongly believes that through close interaction with customers, tailored solutions that meet their requirements can be created in an effective way.
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Basler Münsterschatz goes digital
Kooperation Uni Basel, Historisches Museum Basel & Truvis AG
University of Basel · Truvis AG · June 14, 2019

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Historischem Museum machen Forschende der Universität den Basler Münsterschatz digital verfügbar. Die Ergebnisse dienen als Grundlage für interdisziplinäre Projekte, welche die Chancen und Möglichkeiten computergestützter Verfahren in den Geistesund Kulturwissenschaften ausloten; zugleich werden die Resultate der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. So wird ein neuartiger Zugang zu Objekten geschaffen, welche die Geschichte der Stadt seit 1000 Jahren begleiten.

Mit innovativen Technologien, die am Digital Humanities Lab der Universität Basel entwickelt wurden, werden die Objekte des mittelalterlichen Münsterschatzes digitalisiert. Moderne Bildaufnahmetechnologien ermöglichen Zugänge zu diesen Gold- und Silberschmiedearbeiten, die mit bisherigen Mitteln kaum möglich waren. So eröffnen etwa hochaufgelöste Aufnahmen den Blick auf Details, materiale und farbliche Strukturen, die von blossem Auge nicht zu erkennen sind. Auch künstlerische Bearbeitungsschritte oder spätere Eingriffe und Zusätze lassen sich dadurch besser untersuchen. Die Umsetzung der Arbeiten wird von der Basler Start-Up Truvis AG unterstützt, welche aus einem Projekt der Universität Basel entstanden ist.

In einer interdisziplinären Lehrveranstaltung, die Prof. Dr. Lucas Burkart (Departement Geschichte) und PD Dr. Peter Fornaro (Digital Humanities Lab) im vergangenen Frühjahrssemester anboten, haben Studierende untersucht, wie der Einsatz digitaler Technologien im historischen Kontext sinnvoll genutzt werden kann. Hierbei standen die Forschungsfrage und die Bedeutung der Originale im Zentrum, von welcher geeignete und aussagekräftige Technologien abgeleitet wurden. Digitale Technologien stellen in den Geistes-und Kulturwissenschaften keinen Selbstzweck dar, sondern stehen wie andere in der Forschung akzeptierte Methoden im Dienst leitender Fragestellungen. Diese entscheidet letztlich darüber, welche Technologien zum Einsatz kommen. Eine derart reflektierte Verzahnung von historischen Fragestellungen und digitalen Technologien stellt einen wissenschaftlichen Mehrwert dar, der nur mit interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit möglich wird. Als Grundlage solcher Prozesse, müssen die Originale und Kontextinformationen als Daten aufgenommen, analysiert und ausgewertet werden. Diese Arbeit läuft aktuell im Untergeschoss des Historischen Museums; die PK eröffnet den anwesenden Journalisten einen Einblick in diese Zusammenarbeit zwischen Universität, Museum und Wirtschaftspartner.

Im Gegensatz zur herkömmlichen Forschung bietet die Arbeit mit digitalen Technologien den Vorteil, dass Ergebnisse schneller und einfacher der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht werden können. Die digitale Domäne ist nicht nur ein innovativer Forschungsraum, sondern auch ein Kommunikationsraum, in dem das interessierte Publikum am Forschungsprozess partizipieren kann.

Entsprechend beschreitet das Projekt auch neue Wege interaktiver Vermittlung, in der sich der Mehrwert einer Kooperation zwischen Universität und Museum bestätigt. Bereits im Herbst werden im Rahmen der Ausstellung «Gold und Ruhm», in der Teile des Münsterschatzes im Basler Kunstmuseum gezeigt wird, sowie der Anlässe, mit denen an die Grundsteinlegung des sogenannten Heinrichsmünsters (1019) vor 1000 Jahren erinnert wird, erste Ergebnisse im Web präsentiert.

Das Digitalisierungsprojekt zum Münsterschatz ist der Auftakt einer zukunftsorientierten engen Kooperation zwischen Universität und dem Historischen Museum Basel. Andere Bereiche aus den international bedeutenden Beständen bieten sich für vergleichbare Projekte gut an (Münzsammlung, spätmittelalterliche Tapisserien, Zunftsilber u.a.m.). Dabei entstehen nicht nur Forschungsergebnisse, sondern auch das Museum profitiert, denn die Sichtbarkeit der eigenen Bestände im Netz ist heutzutage ein wesentlicher Faktor für das nationale und internationale Standing einer Erinnerungsinstitution.


Digital Humanities Lab · Uni Basel
Professur Geschichte des Spätmittelalters und der ital. Rennaissance · Uni Basel
Historisches Musem Basel


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About Truvis

Truvis AG is a spin-off from the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and was founded in 2017. Truvis brings together know-how from physics, scientific and computational photography, optics, computer graphics and color-science. This know-how is used to develop innovative imaging and visualization software that digitally recreates a realistic visual impression of any material. Truvis also provides services and customized solutions to transfer the authentic appearance of real objects and materials to the digital domain. Truvis strongly believes that through close interaction with customers, tailored solutions that meet their requirements can be created in an effective way.
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Launch: Truvis Authentica & broncolor Scope D50
Next level surface visualization
Truvis AG · September 26, 2018
Truvis and Broncolor present their system for RTI-Imaging at Photokina

After intense research and development Truvis and Broncolor present their system for RTI-Imaging at Photokina in Cologne (26. - 29.9.18). The International Trade Fair for photography and imaging is the ideal platform to launch this innovative imaging solution which consists of the Authentica software package and the Scope D50 illumination dome.
The Scope D50 is a portable state-of-the-art illumination device equipped with white light LED’s (UV-/IR-LED’s optional) and is used to acquire 48 images each illuminated from a different angle.
The Authentica Creator software generates and visualizes a digital surface model from the images captured with the Scope D50 which contains information about the objects color, glossiness, surface orientation and materiality. This digital surface model can be interactively relighted in real-time which allows the viewer to redefine the lighting situation and instantly get a realistic feeling for the materials shown in a given scene. The interactive visualizations can be easily integrated into any website and viewed on any devices without additional plugins. The applications of this technology range from cultural heritage imaging to online presentation of products.

Vist us at Photokina Hall 02.1 | Stand A021, 26. - 29.9.18, Cologne

About Authentica

Authentica is the name of a software package developed and sold by Truvis which includes the Authentica Creator and Authentica Viewer. Authentica Creator is a desktop application (Win/Mac) used to generate digital surface models from a given set of input images and to create virtual scenes which can be interactively relighted. These virtual scenes can be exported for online presentation. Authentica Viewer is a web application which can easily be integrated into any existing website and display the virtual scenes without the need of any additional plugins.
For more information visit

About Scope D50

The Scope D50 is a portable and easy-to-use illumination dome used to acquire the input images for the Authentica Creator software. Built by broncolor, the leading company in lighting equipment, it features high-quality LED’s, a touch display, camera mount and a handy suitcase for transportation.
For more information visit

About Truvis

Truvis AG is a spin-off from the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and was founded in 2017. Truvis brings together know-how from physics, scientific and computational photography, optics, computer graphics and color-science. This know-how is used to develop innovative imaging and visualization software that digitally recreates a realistic visual impression of any material. Truvis also provides services and customized solutions to transfer the authentic appearance of real objects and materials to the digital domain. Truvis strongly believes that through close interaction with customers, tailored solutions that meet their requirements can be created in an effective way.
For more information visit

About Broncolor

Bron Elektronik AG has been making lighting and flash systems for photographers since 1958. The company's leadership in the market for 60 years now, reflects the fact, that innovation and quality are crucial. Its success is no coincidence: broncolor is specialized in a narrow but deep range of products, pursues intensive research, develops superior equipment, and is always accessible to customers. A family atmosphere reigns at the Allschwil headquarters, and the company’s employees are highly motivated.
For more information visit

About Truvis

Company History

Our Origins
Truvis is a spin-off from the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel. With its roots in applied scientific photography and rich experience in digital imaging, the DHLab was the ideal starting point for an innovative company like Truvis which synergically combines know-how from various fields like photography, optics, electrical engineering, informatics, physics, color-science and perception theory.

Initial Research
While working on the simplification of RTI applications, a first prototype of a lighting dome was developed in 2011 which has been improved in the following years. From 2014 on, custom software for the RTI generation and visualization was developed. In the same project the visualization of inhomogeneous glossy surfaces was researched, which resulted in our patented extension of the RTI standard (Truvis e-RTI). Starting 2015, web based cross-platform visualization software was developed to give easy access to our e-RTI data.

Doing Business
Truvis GmbH was incorporated in May 2017 and transformed to Truvis AG in November 2017 when a small group of investors was found who were likewise convinced of the potential.
Bron Elektronik AG, a Swiss company leading in the field of lighting equipment was found as a first hardware partner. Together, the Scope D50 was developed as the first ready-made light dome for RTI capturing, which was launched together with the Authentica software framework at Photokina in fall 2018.
In November 2019 Truvis unveiled the Helios S53, a turn-key ready RTI light dome developed in house and produced in Switzerland. Together with the Authentica software framework, this now provides a on-stop-shopping solution for aquisition, editing, sharing and publishing of RTI data.

What we do

Our Vision
Our vision is to enable digital imaging and exploration of these images at a level of realism not seen before. By combining computer technology and photography we go beyond any previously known approach to visualize images on a computer. Our virtual scenes do not simply represent a static view as classical photographs do. They also include information about the materiality of the surfaces shown in the image. Allowing the viewer to interactively explore these images by changing the lighting situation and seeing the changes immediately, a feeling for the texture of the materials is created which can not be reached with classical photographs.

Power to the People
We provide customers with an easy to use system which allows them to create, explore and easily share such images using standard web and mobile technologies. Our system consists of a lighting dome (e.g. Helios S53 or any other device) and the Authentica software framework developed at Truvis. The lighting dome is used for the acquisition of the image data and the Authentica software for generating and editing the digital surface models which can then be viewed and shared as realistic scenes. For viewing no special software besides a standard web browser is needed which allows to easily share the results with a broad audience.

Media Assets

images for you to use. need more? contact us at

Images, GIFs & Videos
Images, app screenshots, videos.
Brand assets
Logos and icons for print and web.

Media Contacts

If you are a member of the media, and seek more information about Truvis the company, and its products, please contact us at

For all other requests, please find more contact options here.

Truvis AG
Media & Public Relations
St. Alban-Ring 237
4052 Basel