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6. UV-Capture


The undesirable side effects on skin and eyes are reduced by using the supplied light protection curtains. Make sure that they are fitted correctly! Avoid irradiation of unprotected skin and eyes! Avoid eye contact with the light source!

6.1 Placing the object

Place the object on a non-reflecting surface centrally under the lighting dome. The highest point of the object should be flush with the lower edge of the lighting dome. If necessary, use a suitable support or adjust the height of the light dome.

6.2 Switch on UV light

Make sure that the UV/VIS button is lit blue. If not, press it once. Set the intensity control [x] to 1 and press the MOD/SEQ button [z] to turn on the UV LEDs. The color of the MOD/SEQ button changes to blue and the UV LED’s in the illumination dome light up continuously.


To reduce exposure to UV irradiation the UV-LED’s switch of automatically after one minute and the lighting dome switches to the VIS-SEQ mode. To switch back to the UV-MOD mode just press the UV-VIS button once.

6.3 Capture

Adjust the light intensity by turning the intensity control and choose the settings on the camera to obtain the desired result. You can now trigger the camera manually or via your capture software.
